Our company, Hamburger Yacht-Versicherung Schomacker Versicherungsmakler GmbH, has since 1997 as the legal successor to the company Hamburger Yacht-Versicherungs-Vermittlung Erich Schomacker Versicherungsmakler, specialised in the brokering and administration of insurance policies in the private customer and medium sized commercial sector. Staffed by highly qualified employees our company services customers in Germany and the European Economic Area. Our main area of activity concerns yacht and charter insurance and special cover concepts in the water sports sector.
As your insurance broker, we are happy to advise you in all insurance matters on the basis of an all-encompassing brokerage contract. The remuneration - called brokerage - for our advisory, brokerage and support activities is normally borne by the insurance company. The courtage is part of the insurance premium. Deviating from this must be expressly agreed on between us and the client. In rare cases and up to a small extent, special reimbursements for insurers may occur in the event of a very good claims experience. A conflict of interest does not occur as a result.
We are a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungsmakler e.V., BDVM (German Insurance Brokers‘ Association). The required quality standards of the BDVM are significantly higher than the admission requirements for insurance brokers pursuant to the Gewerbeordnung (German Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act) and the Versicherungsvermittlungsordnung (German Insurance Brokerage Ordinance).
It is our statutory obligation to provide you with the following information:
Hamburger Yacht-Versicherung Schomacker Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Katharinenhof/Zippelhaus 2, D-20457 Hamburg
Managing Director: Andreas Medicus, Volker Reichelt
AG Hamburg HRB 65561
Phone +49 (0)40 - 36 98 49 - 0,
Fax +49 (0)40 - 36 98 49 - 11,
In our capacity as insurance broker the registration in the Register of Insurance Brokers has been made pursuant to § 34 d para 1 GewO with the registration number D-H0SF-QZKO0-04.
The competent licensing agency is the IHK Hamburg (Chamber of Industry and Commerce), Hamburg, Adolphsplatz 1, D-20457 Hamburg, Phone +49 (0)40 - 36 13 81 - 38, Fax +49 (0) 40- 36 13 84 - 01, Email:
This entry can be checked in the Insurance Brokers‘ Register as follows: Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK, German Chambers of Industry and Commerce), Breite Straße 29, D-10178 Berlin, Tel. 0180 - 600 58 50 (20 cents per call German landline charge, prices from mobile telephone maximum 60 cent per call),
Our Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for cross-border operations within the EU is 391200D3NYHG47VEVX68.
Our company does not have direct or indirect holding in the voting rights or equity in an insurance undertaking. And vice versa, no insurance company or patent insurance company has a direct or indirect holding of voting rights or equity of our company.
As your independent insurance broker we are always trying to be honest, upright, and serve in the best possible way for your interests. If in any case you should not be satisfied by any of our business activities, please refer to our management at beschwerde[at]
As a sign of our high sense of responsibility, as a member of the BDVM we commit ourselves to compliance with binding rules of conduct and business principles - as registered in the BDVM Code of Conduct.
Information on taking part in alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes according to §36 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG).
In accordance to § 17 para 4 of the Insurance Mediation Regulation, we are obliged to participate in the dispute settlement procedure before the following consumer arbitration boards:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., Postfach 08 06 32, D-10006 Berlin
Ombudsmann Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung, Postfach 06 02 12, D-10052 Berlin,
Online dispute resolution platform according to Art. 14, ss 1 ODR-VO The European Union established a platform for online dispute resolutions:
The professional regulations (§ 34d Trade Regulations, §§ 59-68 VVG, VersVermV) can be viewed and retrieved via the website operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.
Please do not hesitate to refer to us for any questions.